Tokyo – Osaka – Kyoto in 7 days: An Itinerary

I’ve been asked a couple of times for our Japan itinerary and how I got to fit 40,000Php all-in for this trip. I actually prefer to blog our activities per day, so I can share our day in detail and the breakdown of our expenses. But since you asked for it, I’ll share here our 7 day itinerary.

To those who would like to read our daily activities in Japan, you can check Day 1 Day 2 Day 3. and Day 4. I’m currently working on Day 5.

Day 123

There you go!



2 thoughts on “Tokyo – Osaka – Kyoto in 7 days: An Itinerary

  1. Hi Dreia! Some passes defines the cost of an Adult or Child but I haven’t seen any age brackets. Would you know?
    Thanks for sharing your blogs btw, definitely helpful! Will be visiting Osaka – Kyoto – Tokyo this December so I’m also doing our itinerary in advanced.


    1. Hi Micah! Actually, I’ve never seen them define the age bracket before and I never bother asking, since we were all adults in the trip. But it is a good question. I did a quick research, and according to Klook, child ticket i for ages 6-11. Hope this helps!


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